Take this 7-minute assessment to measure where your business culture is now compared to your vision!
Great companies have winning innovative cultures. Winning innovative cultures are all about teams who are highly focused, agile, flexible and rapidly mobile. That’s what innovation is all about. This assessment or MRI will measure both your desired business culture (how you want it to be-BLUE) as well as your actual business culture (how it is now-GREEN). When you finish the 7-minute exercise, the assessment will benchmark your business, team or employee(s) against the world’s best from the Excellent Cultures 40+ year benchmark as well as against your own vision of the desired culture that you want to build.
You can also receive a detailed report that will identify specific improvement areas for focusing your efforts.
You only need to enter your name and click “Start” to begin.
Answer each of the 10 questions twice: “Desired” for the culture you desire (BLUE) and “Actual” for your existing culture (GREEN). None of the answers will be exact so try not to over-think each question. Simply select the two answers that come closest to your “Desired” and “Actual” responses for each question.
The survey should take 5-7 minutes to complete.