Paola Garini


Coach Paola is a lawyer since 1997, offering judicial and extrajudicial consultancy and assistance in civil matters in favor of individuals and companies, national and international.
Its action moves supported by the awareness that every customer and every case are unique, and that the solution of the problems that are submitted to them are part of a common evolutionary line that involves both: you and your client.
He has always believed in a multidisciplinary approach to the cases that are submitted to it, and has therefore established collaborations with other professionals: notaries, engineers, architects, accountants, legal doctors, psychologists, family mediators, investigators, and finally with the coaches specialized for individual areas and sectors of You Have Got The Power.
He also believes that, where possible, an out-of-court solution should be favored to the problems that customers submit to them – also by means of mediation or assisted negotiation – considering recourse to judicial procedures as extrema ratio.
His updating is constant, both in terms of professional training and technical-IT adaptation, always ready to grasp the challenges and opportunities that every day brings.
And given that each of us is unique, and therefore that even the interests and passions that move us in private are inevitably reflected in the way we express ourselves in the work, is also a Yoga teacher graduated at the Shotokan Club.